Becoming a qualified freelance writer is not as easy as it used to be. Just recently, anyone who wanted to try out freelance writing jobs online could sign up with a website and start looking for jobs. This is no longer the case as freelance websites have become selective about who they allow to select jobs from their registered clients. This is a good thing for clients who now can choose from vetted writers, but it has put a damper on plans for many people who thought they could rely on the freelance market as a side gig.
Tip #1: To qualify for internet writing jobs, potential freelance writers need to have actual writing skills. This is the same for anyone who wants freelance proofreading jobs, too. To become a qualified freelance writer or proofreader, candidates need to have more than a high school diploma. They need to have some college experience, non-academic writing experience, and possibly even certification in some skills.
Tip #2: Qualified freelance writers need to have professional experience in a related field. There are writers who are specialized enough to qualify for legal writing jobs or medical writing jobs. In most situations, legal or medical writers need to have education or professional experience in those fields. Without it, general freelancers are usually not able to get jobs in those specialities. Writers with experience in education, business, or technology are often able to find jobs in those specialities.
Tip #3: Future freelance writers should consider the power of search engine optimization (SEO). Many clients want writers who have background knowledge in this important part of the World Wide Web. People who want to work in the freelance world can get certified in SEO techniques so they know how to incorporate it into their writing. In some situations, clients prefer to hire writers with SEO knowledge over writers without it.
Tip #4: Another consideration for future freelance writers is the idea of building a portfolio. New freelancers will need to have something to share with their potential clients. Without a portfolio, writers will not be hired. Therefore, future freelancers should consider starting their own online blog with samples of their favorite pieces and these could be published pieces or even academic essays. They could include blogs, samples of content writing, product descriptions, even speeches or letters to the editor. Clients want to see samples, so freelancers should maintain their portfolios and update them as needed.
Tip #5: When applying for spots in freelance websites, future freelancers should consider their application carefully. It is vital that the application be complete and that everything is spelled correctly. Freelance websites will not accept applicants into their writing corps with profiles that have grammar errors and awkwardly written personal stories. The application should be carefully proofread and edited several times and with a variety of helpful eyes - in other words, ask for help from writers you trust before you submit the application for consideration.